

 Android The locations sensor provides the best location estimate for the users’ current location, automatically. We have built-in an algorithm that provides the user’s location with a minimum battery impact. However, we offer the flexibility to researchers to change how frequently the



The light sensor measures the ambient light. It can be used to detect indoor or outdoor light conditions. The official SensorManager Light constants are: Cloudy sky: 100.0 Full moon: 0.25 No moon: 0.001 Overcast: 10000.0 Shade: 20000.0 Sunlight: 110000.0 Sunlight



The Installations sensor logs devices’ application installations, removal and updates. It can be leveraged to activate/deactivate sensors that depend on the presence of specific applications on the device. Settings Aware_Preferences.STATUS_INSTALLATIONS: true or false to activate or deactivate sensor. Installations.ACTION_AWARE_APPLICATION_ADDED: broadcasted



The ESM sensor adds support for user-provided context by leveraging mobile Experience Sampling Method (ESM). The ESM questionnaires can be triggered by context, time or on-demand, locally or remotely (within your study on AWARE’s dashboard). Although user-subjective, this sensor allows