The gravity sensor measures the force of gravity applied to the sensor built-in into the device and provides a three dimensional vector indicating the direction and magnitude of gravity (in m/s²). When a device is at rest, the gravity sensor should measure equally as the accelerometer.


The coordinate-system is defined relative to the screen of the phone in its default orientation (facing the user). The axis are not swapped when the device’s screen orientation changes. The X axis is horizontal and points to the right, the Y axis is vertical and points up and the Z axis points towards the outside of the front face of the screen. In this system, coordinates behind the screen have negative Z axis. Also, the natural orientation of a device is not always portrait, as the natural orientation for many tablet devices is landscape. For more information, check the official Android’s Sensor Coordinate System documentation.


  • Aware_Preferences.STATUS_GRAVITY: true or false to activate or deactivate accelerometer sensor.
  • Aware_Preferences.FREQUENCY_GRAVITY: non-deterministic frequency in microseconds (dependent of the hardware sensor capabilities and resources). You can also use a SensorManager sensor delay constant.


  • Gravity.ACTION_AWARE_GRAVITY: new data recorded in provider.
    • Gravity.EXTRA_DATA: the recorded data, as ContentValues.
    • Gravity.EXTRA_SENSOR: the sensor information.
  • Gravity.ACTION_AWARE_GRAVITY_LABEL: assign label to the recorded data.
    • Gravity.EXTRA_LABEL: the desired label.


Gravity Sensor

Contains the hardware sensor capabilities in the mobile device.


Table field Field type Description
_id INTEGER primary key, auto incremented
timestamp REAL unixtime milliseconds since 1970
device_id TEXT AWARE device UUID
double_sensor_maximum_range REAL Maximum sensor value possible
double_sensor_minimum_delay REAL Minimum sampling delay in microseconds
sensor_name TEXT Sensor’s name
double_sensor_power_ma REAL Sensor’s power drain in mA
double_sensor_resolution REAL Sensor’s resolution in sensor’s units
sensor_type TEXT Sensor’s type
sensor_vendor TEXT Sensor’s manufacturer
sensor_version TEXT Sensor’s version number

Gravity Data

Contains the raw sensor data.


Table field Field type Description
_id INTEGER primary key, auto incremented
timestamp REAL unixtime milliseconds since 1970
device_id TEXT AWARE device UUID
double_values_0 REAL value of X axis
double_values_1 REAL value of Y axis
double_values_2 REAL value of Z axis
accuracy INTEGER Sensor’s accuracy level (see SensorManager)
label TEXT Customizable label. Useful for data calibration or traceability

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